Sunday Rituals with Elise - Soak Sunday’s Senior Creative Marketing Manager

How do I like to spend my Sunday’s? 
For me, it really is a day of rest. A moment to recuperate, to pause. On Sunday time stills, the weekend works in slow motion and self-care can truly be indulged in…
I start my mornings late with a lazy lie in, hiding between the sheets till about 10am where I roll out of bed and wander downstairs for a cup of tea, or three, curling up with a blanket for some quality time with Netflix... Currently I’m watching Gilmore Girls for maybe the 5th time. I’ve really been loving to watch my old favourites, there’s something comforting about the familiar story lines, the characters like old friends, a little piece of past contentment.
Then it’s time for a new Sunday tradition of mine, pancake breakfasts (or brunch), Jamie Oliver’s American style recipe, always. Fluffy, with a healthy helping of maple syrup and fresh fruit, shared with family or a friend that’s popped by. Pre-Covid a Sunday brunch with friends (and usually cocktails) was one of my favourite traditions, catching up on our week over some amazing food. It was something I missed massively, so I mastered my pancake making skills and love the new tradition it resulted in. Even as things open back up, we’ve still been choosing the more chilled option at home instead.
 On Sunday’s getting outside for a breath of fresh air is a must. I have a little Westie called Lilly and not only is she the cutest thing in the world (in my opinion) she also makes the perfect walking companion. Venturing out into the countryside, listening to my favourite podcast or playlist, really helps clear my head. The breeze on my face, the fresh air, the green spaces… it’s my one time in the week to really get out and enjoy nature, and I’ve found it makes a huge difference to my mental wellbeing.
I’m not sure it can be classified as part of a ritual, but a long afternoon nap is part of my weekend routine. Before that, I jump into the shower to freshen up, and at the moment I'm loving the Cleo's Paradise Body Cleanser. With oat, vegan manuka and chamomile, the botanical oils soothe the skin, as the aromatherapeutic blend calms the mind. A true every day indulgence, it means on those Summer weekends I can elevate my shower routine into ritual. Post shower, I slather on the Rose Utopia Bath & Body Oil, I’m pretty lazy when it comes to body care but this can be applied in seconds. Then, I slip into bed for an hour or so for my favourite indulgence… a late afternoon nap.
Around 6 it’s time for dinner followed by a few hours to wind down. It’s self care time… Finding a moment of peace throughout the working day can sometimes feel impossible - the stress of a morning commute, the caffeine from multiple coffees buzzing through my veins, a flurry of emails and that atmosphere of urgency that flickers through the air as you meet this week’s goals. It’s important to give your brain a pause and practice mindfulness, especially when life gets busy, allowing your mind, body and soul to recover.  I switch off my phone, light a (Soak Sunday) Candle, Midnight Storm is my current favourite. I’m definitely a skincare lover, so an evening face mask on a Sunday is a must.  I love the ritualistic element of the Rose Utopia Transformative Face Mask. Mixing the clay powder with water by hand to create my perfect consistency. Painting it onto my face with the brush. Seeing the mask dry as it the pink clay works it's magic. As the face mask dries down, I wind down with a good book, my current read Fate & Furies by Lauren Groff, or journal to get my thoughts out on the page, unwind my mind and get myself ready for the week ahead.
Define that Sunday feeling? 
For me, that Sunday feeling is the sense of contentment and peace of a slow weekend of selfcare, of recuperation and time spent with friends and family.

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