Sunday Rituals with Tiffany Salmon ~ Soak Sunday Founder

Sunday … is there a more relaxing, reflective day of the week? 

Tiffany Salmon Soak Sunday Founder


For many years now, Sundays for me have always been about taking a step back from daily life which can often feel quite hectic and sometimes utterly relentless, so on a Sunday, taking time to completely switch off in preparation for another week is so important to me. This Sunday ritual I have developed for myself is part of the reason I created Soak Sunday, I wanted the brand to be about more than just a simple soak. This past year we’ve all felt the need to touch base with nature, to ground ourselves and elevate our usual routines, I turned to self care to soothe mind, body and soul, thus Soak Sunday was born.  A brand that allows you to completely slow down and savour that selfcare experience, even if it’s just for one day of the week.  

Sundays for me are all about family, unfortunately the much loved Sunday lie-in doesn’t exist for me anymore… my little ones, Tallulah and Rocco, love to sneak in to wake us up in the morning (something I’m sure every mum experiences!) I usually like to start the day with a workout and over the past year I’ve been doing these online. Instead of trying to keep the kids out of the way whilst I exercise, they actually love to get involved which is something I love too. So, we all get dressed up in our matching workout gear and give it our best shot, being 2 and 4 it doesn’t take too long before they’re off wanting to play dress up or games instead, but I adore being able to share those special Sunday mornings with the two of them…. even if it might involve push ups with one of them on my back. 

We usually then all sit down for breakfast as a family, boiled eggs and soldiers are a Sunday favourite in our household, it’s one of those slow weekend moments I just can’t get enough of. With busy schedules during the week, its sometimes not possible to have every meal together, so over the weekend I really savour those small special moments of family life. 

During Sunday afternoons, it’s all about clearing my mind, so myself and my dog Reggie enjoy a long stroll. I feel at my most zen walking on my own, getting that fresh air and having some alone time with my thoughts, it’s definitely become my own kind of meditation. We’re lucky we live in an area with lots of open space around us, so we never run out of places to explore together, I usually like to get a good 10K walk in on a Sunday- really setting me up for the week ahead. 

Lazy Sunday afternoons roll into a nice laid back roast dinner as a family and getting the kids to bed, preparing anything I need to, attempting to make Monday morning a little bit easier… gym kit for my morning PT session, the kids bags for nursery and school or making a quick note of that work task I have to get done first thing. 

Then its onto my favourite part of the week, my Sunday selfcare ritual. I love to embrace that feeling of ‘slow beauty’, far from the throw-away of fast fashion, it’s all about a mindful approach to your routine. A way to elevate your routine into a ritual, it’s beauty but done slower, an experience of escapism and self care.

Once the children are asleep, I love to run a nice hot bath (of course) complete with Botanical Bath Soak and a touch of Bath & Body Oil (Rose Utopia is my favourite at the moment but it changes regularly). The hot water, the steam, the moments for me and me alone… I find it’s the perfect way to rejuvenate body and mind, the feeling you get from a spa right from my home.  A moment to lose myself in relaxation, unwinding, resetting.  I light a candle, sink in with a relaxing playlist (usually the Soak Sunday Cleo’s Paradise one on Spotify), sipping on a cup of herbal tea, zoning out for half an hour or so. It really helps to stave off any of those ‘Monday feelings’ about what I need to get done the next day. I follow it with a full Body Scrub and apply a Clay Mask to give my skin some love too which is a ritual in itself. Laying out my pestle & mortar and mixing my mask up before carefully applying it with a brush, the whole process helps to soothe and detox my mind too. 

Sundays usually finish with curling up on the sofa with my husband, with something easy to watch on the TV. My Sunday rituals are about the simple things, its often these small moments of selfcare that can bring the most pleasure to your life. 

Define that Sunday feeling? 

For me, that Sunday feeling is the warmth I feel from spending special, simple moments with my family and the calm, clearing of my mind ahead of another busy week.

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